Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jack VS The Bunny -Enjoy, Ali :)

It's Easter Sunday and the McKinnons are at an outdoor Easter Egg Hunt at a farm. The family who runs the place have talked some poor chap into putting on a bunny suit. This bunny has decided he will be mischievous and sneak eggs FROM children's baskets! It only took ONCE for the bunny to take it from the Jacker, to make the Jacker leary of the rascally rabbit!

Mama and Jack are finished getting their eggs and head back down the path to get a prize for a hunt well done. Just when they are rounding the final bend Jacker stops dead in his tracks, frowns and points ahead of him. It's the bunny, who waves and folds his arms -just DARING the little kid to try to pass him with all his eggs. Mama looks down at Jack who is NOT LOOKING IMPRESSED!!! She tells him to just tell the Bunny to stop it and then he will go away!

The two walk down the path together (basket in hand) and as the Bunny steps close to take an egg from Jack's stash, he looks up into his whiskers and stares at him for a half second.

"BUNNY!" Jack says sternly, "You NO dake EGGS!!!"

The Bunny steps backwards for a moment, shrugs, waves goodbye and hops away.

The Jacker whirls around to face his Mama and proclaims, "Id WORG Mom! Id WORG!!! He no dake no EGGS!!!"

At the reward table (in which Jack greedily gobbles down his candy eggs) The Bunny and Jacker high five and are friends again.... All is right again down on the bunny trail.


Deann said...

Hmmm... maybe the Grinch switched holidays?

(Glad Jack's story ended "happily ever after!")

Pat and Ali said...

YES!!! I never thought of that! Ha ha ha... It's the perfect way to describe him!!!!

:) Hope that you had a fantastic weekend! :) Ali