It was a frosty winter's day when I first heard the sounds.

A small "TINKLE TINKLE" was what

first caught my attention. It seemed that someone was touching the tree. When I checked the scene I found that a gingerbread man's foot had been injured in a vicious attack. There was a small trail... that led to a little blond. He denied everything (of course), but my partner and I couldn't HELP but suspect that he would give ANYTHING for another bite. We gave him a restraining order and went on our way.

The NEXT DAY... we found ourselves back at the scene of the crime. Poor "Gingie" had been attacked AGAIN! This time his friend on a nearby branch must have come to his aid... as he was attacked as well!
We interviewed our original suspect, but could NOT catch him

in the act again. Three others were questioned as well... but all professed their innocence... and we were inclined to believe them. There was just SOMETHING about the little blond that spoke of his guilt! Maybe it was his cheeky smile... the one he gives whenever he puts out his BEST CHARMS. We

knew that EVENTUALLY his crumby ways would call him out!
The third day was a day we would NEVER forget! We thought we heard the familiar "TINKLE TINKLE" and came running...

The little blond was nowhere to be found, but the tree was still moving... and the heads of the remaining "Gingies" were dangling back and forth on their hooks! What sort of cookie loving MADMAN would do SUCH a THING?! What a gruesome discovery! We followed a trail of

crumbs which lead us straight to our guy! The little blond was happily licking his chops and smelled of the sweet scents of ginger and cloves! We FINALLY GOT OUR MAN, and the case of the Disappearing Gingerbread men was FINALLY solved!
Goodness, I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Those poor gingerbread men look so sad hanging there, but the story about what happened to them is just too funny!
Merry Christmas BrasherGirl!!!
Poor poor "Gingies" (as the Jacker calls them!)... ha ha ha...
The first time he got caught, Pat sent him to me to say sorry for eating them off the tree... He came to me with a quivering bottom lip saying... "Mommy, Jack, nummy, Gingie!" (all said through tears!)
He says that they are "nummy" in his "tummy"! TOO CUTE!
No doubt... this crime will be committed every year from now on!
Have a FANTASTIC holiday!
Your Canadian friends,
The McKinnons :)
This reminds me of the ginger bread man on Shrek:
"Not my gumdrop buttons!"
Jack strikes again!
Poor ginger's hard to run, run as fast as one can when one is tied to a tree.
HA HA! Good one Miss Carla! :)
And YES Cam! Too true! We DID put our Gingies out on a limb -didn't we?! (wacka wacka!)
Merry Christmas all! xoxo Alibaba :)
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