Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Fun -Enjoy, Ali :)

Death by Sticky Bun...

Caution, different outcomes may result after coming into contact with Sticky Buns...

O Christmas Tree... O Christmas Tree... How lovely are thy branches!

FAME! I'm gonna live forEVER... I'm gonna learn how to FLY!

Abby displaying her "receiving a gift face"...

"How DID they get the little gums all in THERE Daddoo??!"

Caleb displaying his half bird/half pen stocking stuffer item... (what isle do they sell THOSE in?!)

A boy and his bus... coming to a floor near you!!!

Lollypop bliss... Garrett STRONGLY believes that dessert should be the MAIN COURSE of every meal!

TOLD YA!!! :)

****************MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!***************

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