Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5 Stars -Enjoy, Ali :)

Our son Garrett is a boy full of excitement. Most of us endeavor to enjoy every minute of our life but Garrett, naturally, enjoys every SECOND. As a result, he usually bounces from point A to point B. I love that about him, but it sometimes makes it difficult for his teacher at school to teach him. He's totally capable of calming down... I've seen him do it a million times. He's trying his best to do that at school now. The teacher has divided his day into 5 portions to help him do this. If he does his best at his work and calmly follows the progression of each segment of the day he will get a star for each one. IF he gets 5 stars his reward is to enjoy some computer time at home here. He's been doing this for over two (or more) months now and he's gotten 5 stars twice. Some days he makes 4 -some days only 2. Today I had an important moment with him, one that I will always remember.

I told him that whenever he get's 5 stars I will join him in the pride of his accomplishment. We'll celebrate over a computer game together. I also told him that no matter how many he stars he gets in his day, I will ALWAYS love him. He can get 5, he can get 2 or none at all, and I will STILL adore him with all my heart. I told him I want him to make good choices, but if he doesn't it does NOT change how I feel about him. He will always be my treasure. I said that If he makes the WORST choice in the whole world, I will STILL love him. I actually said that it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to stop loving him! TOTALLY IMPOSSIBLE! It's just NOT in me (He grinned ear to ear)! I told him I love him this way, simply because he's mine.

When I finished chatting with him I left a little boy beaming like he'd just found out the most incredible thing in the world! Of course I thought about God. I thought about how he feels the same way about us. Whether we've had a 5 star day or a 2 star day, his unfailing love always remains. It's IMPOSSIBLE for him to stop loving us. He loves us -even when we're unlovely! If one decides they choose to no longer love God, EVEN THEN he still remains, like he always has loving his child. It's the true nature of a parent to love their children, with every breath and until their last one! Considering the everlasting nature of God... he's going to be loving you for a VERY VERY long time.


MMasters said...

Hi Ali,

Thank you so much for posting this! This made me smile.

Anonymous said...

Oh Ali! This almost made me cry. Those are such precious moments with our kids. You are such a wonderful mom, and your children are blessed to have you..and Pat!!

Shannon xx

Pat and Ali said...

Thanks ladies for your comments. If we don't say the things we think and feel to our children, they may never know. Garrett got four stars out of five that day, came home and said... but it's okay that I didn't get 5 because I know that you will always love me no matter what!

:) Ali

Allison said...

Followed a link from Pat's fabebook page, and was reading some of your posts. This one really touched me. Thanks!
