Monday, June 08, 2009

Abby's Pet Caterpillars -Enjoy, Ali :)

Abigail spent some time outside this weekend. She found some caterpillars in the garden and made a little home for them out of a plastic strawberry container. She filled it with a broken sparkly headband and some things she found in the garden. Once finished she proudly placed her caterpillar pets in their new plastic apartment and brought them with pride to her room. Mom and Dad were oblivious to her new pets until Pat discovered them the next day. He found a plastic container with leaves etc in it... He asked Abby what it was for.

"Oh Daddy," she said "THAT is for my new pet caterpillars!"

"Caterpillars??" Pat said with growing dread...

"Yes Daddy, my new pets!" she said OOZING excitement!

"Abby... "Pat replied "there ARE no caterpillars in this thing. You can't keep them in because it has all kinds of slits in the top that are big enough for them to crawl out of!"

"Daddy..." she said with disdain "I FILLED the holes with grass so they COULDN'T get out!"

"ABIGAIL! Caterpillars EAT grass!!!" Pat smirked.

"Oh..." Abby said wearing her pondering face.

The search for caterpillars -continues... It's next to IMPOSSIBLE to walk through her room in the dark with out wincing!


MMasters said...

oh my! That is definitely something Chloe would do! Eeek! I wish you luck in your hunt for the catepillars! You are much more brave than I.

MMasters said...

I just realized my english on that last comment was horrible! Sorry, Pat! You are braver than I am. Better? lol

Gwen said...

Dear Pat and Ali,
Your story reminded me of when my brother brought a large glass jar full of grasshoppers to show my mom while she was ironing in the dining room.
My mom "eek!"ed, my brother dropped the jar and ran away outside to hide.
Leaving my mom to clean up grasshoppers, grass and glass in the dining room.
good hunting!
Love Gwen