Monday, June 15, 2009

Caterpillar Update -Enjoy, Ali :)

It is with GREAT DISGUST, dear readers, that I tell you that we have found one of Abby's lost caterpillars. I found it this past Thursday night as I was crawling into our bed. I don't know WHERE I actually stepped on it, but it was en route from the bathroom to our room. I was barefoot and UTTERLY disgusted to find it smooshed on the bottom of one of my feet! There is no remedy for one's emotions at a moment like that... one must just ride out the waves of nausea that they feel knowing that the flattened little beast is on one's foot.

Creepy little crawly! OH heavenly days... SAY that that was the ONLY ONE!


Anonymous said...



We can't wait to see you! We're heading out east for a 2 week vacation before I start lawyering, and we'll call when we get back!


Deann said...

Oh, my! I understand your disgust... I don't think I would have handled that situation very well, myself!