Saturday, June 27, 2009

Garrett and his "BEST day ever's!" -Enjoy, Ali :)

Pat has had to reprimand Garrett concerning something (I don't even recall...) and so Garrett is fighting back tears with regret of upsetting his father... Two minutes later, the McKinnons are sitting down to the dinner table to eat. With Mom on Garrett's right and Dad on Garrett's left, Garrett looks left -then right and exclaims with glee...

"This is the BEST day of my life EVER, because I am eating between my Mommy and Daddy!"

(Mommy and Daddy giggle... CLEARLY Garrett has gotten over the negative emotions of his bad choice!)

Actually... Garrett has had COUNTLESS "BEST day ever's" (pardon the terrible grammar!). He has said this phrase a billion times (pardon the exaggeration!) If you take Garrett to the grocery store and you buy him chocolate milk... he's liable to exclaim that "it's his best day EVER!" If you take him for a walk, or to the park, or for a ride on the city bus, or to his favorite mall (that has a big water fountain with pennies)... you've given Garrett his "best day ever!"

If you could have a best day ever today... what would you do?

Do you know... you COULD plan it... or just go and DO it!

1 comment:

Deann said...

That's a thought-provoking question... one I'm having trouble answering!

Of course, it would be wonderful if we could all be like Garrett and just let every day be our "Best Day Ever" no matter what the circumstances!